The Internet/”Wired World”, provides the medium for which this interaction can take place between author (musician) and reader (listener). It is a mutualistic relationship - through their music that they are able to simultaneously impact and interact with their audience, while their audience also aids in shaping their music. Through these themes they ignite the imagination of their audience and provoke conversation. MX is a prime example of simulation and subjectivity, spans multiple online communities and issues of interpretation, and also serves a form interactive fiction. When asked about the album art for Mylo Xyloto, Chris Martin and Jonny Buckland remark: “ a sign of being in the city and finding freedom within an oppressive situation and finding space in a place without any space and use it to express yourself.” When asked about the meaning of the title, lead singer Chris Martin remarks, “We wanted it to mean nothing else than what your imagination wanted it to…one of those words that people ask, ‘what the f*!? does that mean?’” Mylo Xyloto ( MX) not only serves as the title for the album but sets the stage for the abstract nature of the album which hopes to spark the audience’s imagination. In their newest installment titled Mylo Xyoto, the band challenges identity and originality. Known for their edgy, out-of-the-box lyrics and music, Coldplay has been a revolutionary in the music industry. 4.1 “Mylo Xyloto: Inspired by Coldplays New Album” by flyparachutes.